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Main Page
The truck burns rubber as its wheels slide onto the pavement of Highway 0...
Highway 0 is a collaborative, free, and editable guide to the landscape of Kentucky Route Zero.
There are currently 105 articles marked as "to-do." You can assist in the following ways:
- Edit articles and fill in content – pick a page from the ones listed below, or another in Category:Todo, and add to it!
- Character pages
- To do: Will, Emily, Ben, and Bob, Flora, Dr. Truman, Harry Esperanza, all other minor characters
- Location pages
- To do: Márquez Farmhouse, Elkhorn Mine, Interstate 65, Bureau of Reclaimed Spaces, Museum of Dwellings, The Lower Depths, Route Zero, Random Access Self Storage, Hall of the Mountain King, Hard Times Distillery, Mucky Mammoth, Rum Colony, Radvansky Center, Sam & Ida's, Echo River Central Exchange, other locations
- Acts & intermission episode pages, other pages
- To do: Act IV, Limits & Demonstrations, Un Pueblo De Nada, XANADU, WEVP-TV, development & reception sections of Kentucky Route Zero
- Character pages
- Create new articles (link in the sidebar)
- Soundtrack & song pages
- Zero stations & highways
- Overworld roads/locations
- Any other missing content
- If you're familiar with MediaWiki, message User:eli about formatting (infoboxes, etc.)
Use eli's Character Guide, the game fulltext, Wikia, and Wikipedia (fr) as references. Thanks!