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The truck burns rubber as its wheels slide onto the pavement of Highway 0...
Highway 0 is a collaborative, free, and editable guide to the landscape of Kentucky Route Zero, a magical realist adventure game in five acts about a secret highway in the caves beneath Kentucky and the mysterious folks who travel it.
Featured articles: Kentucky Route Zero · Márquez Farmhouse · Here And There Along The Echo · Junebug and Johnny · Random Access Self Storage · Articles & interviews · Music
Discover the story of the game by browsing act and interlude:
Act I ⋅ L & D ⋅ Act II ⋅ The Entertainment ⋅ Act III ⋅ H.A.T.A.T.E. ⋅ Act IV ⋅ Un Pueblo De Nada ⋅ Act V ⋅ Death Of The Hired Man
... Well, to get there
you've got to take
the Zero.
Remember a familiar
face or two.
Get lost on the highways
and rivers of Kentucky.
Read articles and
interviews or listen
to developer talks.
Learn about in-
game extras and
peripheral info.
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to the wiki.
Discuss the game with likeminded folk at a comfortable pace.
Hub for real-time digital messaging and chatting about all things KRZ.