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== List of podcasts ==
== List of podcasts ==
* '''[https://www.polygon.com/2013/1/18/3892072/the-besties-podcast-42-kentucky-route-zero-and-dark-souls The Besties Podcast 42 - Kentucky Route Zero and Dark Souls – The Besties]'''. January 18, 2013.
=== 2013–2015 ===
* '''[https://soundcloud.com/popmatters/moving-pixels-132-kentucky A Game of Mines, Maps, and Madness – Moving Pixels Podcast]'''. September 23, 2013.
* '''[https://soundcloud.com/popmatters/moving-pixels-podcast-more More Mines, Maps, and Madness – Moving Pixels Podcast]'''.  October 31, 2013.
* '''[https://www.polygon.com/2013/1/18/3892072/the-besties-podcast-42-kentucky-route-zero-and-dark-souls The Besties Podcast 42 - Kentucky Route Zero and Dark Souls] – The Besties'''. January 18, 2013.
*'''[http://supholmes.libsyn.com/sup-holmes-ep-95-w-jake-elliot-of-cardboard-computer-kentucky-route-zero Ep 95 w/ Jake Elliot of Cardboard Computer (Kentucky Route Zero) – Sup, Holmes?]'''. February 9, 2014.
* '''[https://soundcloud.com/popmatters/moving-pixels-132-kentucky A Game of Mines, Maps, and Madness] – Moving Pixels Podcast'''. September 23, 2013.
* '''[https://www.popmatters.com/183883-moving-pixels-podcast-even-more-mines-maps-and-madness-2495636832.html Even More Mines, Maps, and Madness – Moving Pixels Podcast]'''. July 21, 2014.
* '''[https://soundcloud.com/popmatters/moving-pixels-podcast-more More Mines, Maps, and Madness] – Moving Pixels Podcast'''.  October 31, 2013.
* '''[http://www.amomentarypause.net/2015/11/ben-babbitt-kentucky-route-zero.html Ben Babbitt (Kentucky Route Zero) – A Momentary Pause]'''. November 19, 2015.
*'''[http://supholmes.libsyn.com/sup-holmes-ep-95-w-jake-elliot-of-cardboard-computer-kentucky-route-zero Ep 95 w/ Jake Elliot of Cardboard Computer (Kentucky Route Zero)] – Sup, Holmes?'''. February 9, 2014.
* '''[https://scriptlock.simplecast.com/episodes/ep-23-tim-schafer-jake-elliott-and-cara-31af51ba Tim Schafer, Jake Elliott, and Cara Ellison – Script Lock]'''. December 5, 2016.
* '''[https://www.popmatters.com/183883-moving-pixels-podcast-even-more-mines-maps-and-madness-2495636832.html Even More Mines, Maps, and Madness] – Moving Pixels Podcast'''. July 21, 2014.
* '''[https://www.popmatters.com/moving-pixels-podcast-kentucky-act4-2495417306.html The Moving Pixels Podcast Explores Act IV of 'Kentucky Route Zero' – Moving Pixels Podcast]'''. September 12, 2016.
* '''[http://www.amomentarypause.net/2015/11/ben-babbitt-kentucky-route-zero.html Ben Babbitt (Kentucky Route Zero)] – A Momentary Pause'''. November 19, 2015.
* '''[https://www.gamingbroadly.com/episode19/ Kentucky Route Zero and the Route to Appalachia – Gaming Broad(ly)]'''. January 11, 2018.
* '''[https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattperez/2018/01/23/podcast-why-kentucky-route-zero-feels-like-a-stage-play Why 'Kentucky Route Zero' Feels Like A Stage Play – Overworld by Forbes]'''. January 23, 2018.
=== 2016–2018 ===
* '''[https://soundcloud.com/gamething/kentucky-route-zero-act-i-2013 Kentucky Route Zero Act I (2013) – GAMETHING]'''. February 21, 2019.
* '''[http://andrewkuhar.com/blog/podcast/e-12-kentucky-route-zero-acts-i-ii-from-the-archives/ Kentucky Route Zero: Acts I & II (From the Archives) – Screen Looking]'''. August 28, 2019.
* '''[https://scriptlock.simplecast.com/episodes/ep-23-tim-schafer-jake-elliott-and-cara-31af51ba Tim Schafer, Jake Elliott, and Cara Ellison] – Script Lock'''. December 5, 2016.
* '''[https://www.theshortgame.net/212-kentucky-route-zero/ 212: Kentucky Route Zero - The Short Game]'''. January 20, 2020.
* '''[https://www.popmatters.com/moving-pixels-podcast-kentucky-act4-2495417306.html The Moving Pixels Podcast Explores Act IV of 'Kentucky Route Zero'] – Moving Pixels Podcast'''. September 12, 2016.
* '''[https://deeplistens.libsyn.com/episode-115-kentucky-route-zero-part-one Episode 115: Kentucky Route Zero- Part One – Deep Listens]'''. January 28, 2020.
* '''[https://podcast.no-cartridge.net/?name=2017-06-09_ep25.mp3 Episode 25: Scott Benson Part 1, Pessmism of the Spirit, Optimism of the Will] – No Cartridge''' – June 9, 2017.
* '''[http://www.filthycasuals.com.au/episodes/episode-223-kentucky-route-zero-impressions/ Episode 223: Kentucky Route Zero Impressions – Filthy Casuals]'''. January 30, 2020.
* '''[https://podcast.no-cartridge.net/?name=2017-06-13_ep26.mp3 Episode 26: Scott Benson Part 2, Scott Bensoner] – No Cartridge'''. June 12, 2017.
* '''[https://open.spotify.com/episode/7flWzhEZtN2yIBcarsPcEI Kentucky Route Zero / AI Dungeon – The Besties]'''. January 31, 2020.
* '''[https://www.gamingbroadly.com/episode19/ Kentucky Route Zero and the Route to Appalachia] – Gaming Broad(ly)'''. January 11, 2018.
* '''[https://open.spotify.com/episode/0yK7lva5pMGtGF5x3aK1iA Kentucky Route Zero – Video Game Rations]'''. April 7, 2020.
* '''[https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattperez/2018/01/23/podcast-why-kentucky-route-zero-feels-like-a-stage-play Why 'Kentucky Route Zero' Feels Like A Stage Play] – Overworld by Forbes'''. January 23, 2018.
* '''[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0OOQzPmNAtU7b6Mp3anOjH 10-Part Kentucky Route Zero LBGC Series – Left Behind Game Club]'''. May 6 – September 23, 2020.
* '''[https://eggplant.show/into-the-depths-kentucky-route-zero-part-1 Into the Depths: Kentucky Route Zero - Part 1 – Eggplant: The Secret Lives of Games]'''. February 21, 2021.
=== 2019–2021 ===
* '''[https://soundcloud.com/gamething/kentucky-route-zero-act-i-2013 Kentucky Route Zero Act I (2013)] – GAMETHING'''. February 21, 2019.
* '''[http://andrewkuhar.com/blog/podcast/e-12-kentucky-route-zero-acts-i-ii-from-the-archives/ Kentucky Route Zero: Acts I & II (From the Archives)] – Screen Looking'''. August 28, 2019.
* '''[https://www.theshortgame.net/212-kentucky-route-zero/ 212: Kentucky Route Zero] - The Short Game'''. January 20, 2020.
* '''[https://deeplistens.libsyn.com/episode-115-kentucky-route-zero-part-one Episode 115: Kentucky Route Zero- Part One] – Deep Listens'''. January 28, 2020.
* '''[http://www.filthycasuals.com.au/episodes/episode-223-kentucky-route-zero-impressions/ Episode 223: Kentucky Route Zero Impressions] – Filthy Casuals'''. January 30, 2020.
* '''[https://open.spotify.com/episode/7flWzhEZtN2yIBcarsPcEI Kentucky Route Zero / AI Dungeon] – The Besties'''. January 31, 2020.
* '''[https://deeplistens.libsyn.com/episode-116-kentucky-route-zero-part-two Episode 116: Kentucky Route Zero- Part Two] – Deep Listens'''. February 12, 2020.
* '''[https://deeplistens.libsyn.com/episode-117-kentucky-route-zero-part-3 Episode 117: Kentucky Route Zero- Part 3] – Deep Listens'''. February 16, 2020.
* '''[https://open.spotify.com/episode/0yK7lva5pMGtGF5x3aK1iA Kentucky Route Zero] – Video Game Rations'''. April 7, 2020.
* '''[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0OOQzPmNAtU7b6Mp3anOjH 10-Part Kentucky Route Zero LBGC Series] – Left Behind Game Club'''. May 6 – September 23, 2020.
* '''[https://eggplant.show/into-the-depths-kentucky-route-zero-part-1 Into the Depths: Kentucky Route Zero - Part 1] – Eggplant: The Secret Lives of Games'''. February 21, 2021.
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Revision as of 05:00, 3 March 2021

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Cardboard Computer and Kentucky Route Zero has been featured in multiple podcasts and radio programs.

List of podcasts


