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Newsletter/September 24, 2014

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We're writing to ask your help spreading the word about a sale, and to share some new and old printable artwork with you.

Hi y'all! We hope September days are kind to you. Ours are occupied by work on Act IV, and secret distractions. We're writing to ask your help spreading the word about a sale, and to share some new and old printable artwork with you.

Steam sale[edit]

KRZ is on sale for 50% off at Steam right now, until Thursday morning. These sales can be a potent draw for an audience who may not otherwise give our weird little game a second thought, so we appreciate you sharing the link around online, with friends over spirits, on restroom walls, etc. Here's that link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/231200/

Printable artwork[edit]

We're often asked about making & selling prints & posters of the game. That's something we still hope to do at some point, but for now we're sticking to sharing high-res printable artwork via this newsletter for you to print yourself if you like. Here are a few:

Tamas prepared these three images for the opening exhibition of Chicago's VGA gallery, and Aron Gent of Document made high-quality prints for display and sale. We wanted to work with VGA & Aron to have some really nicely-made prints available, but didn't want the only publicly-available KRZ prints to be as expensive as these ones needed to be, so we decided not to let them be sold them online. Instead, the Gent prints are sold only in-gallery at VGA, and we're sharing the high-res, printable digital artwork with you here. (Note: We've shared the second image here, the Act 2 forest print, as part of an earlier newsletter.)

Click on the thumbnail to download a print resolution copy of the image.

Act I poster.jpg Act II poster.jpg Act III poster.jpg

These next four images were created and printed as backer rewards during our Kickstarter drive, but we're not sure if we ever shared the full print-resolution digital artwork. Some of the imagery may still be familiar to those of you who've joined us since!

Click on the thumbnail to download a print resolution copy of the image.

Hard-times-postcard.jpg Hard-times-poster.jpg Papercraft-postcard.jpg Qsl-postcard.jpg

More soon![edit]


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