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Newsletter/May 2, 2015

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An update on our recent activity at the A MAZE. festival in Berlin.

A MAZE. - Microwaves & Text[edit]

Hi y'all!

Last week, we traveled to Berlin for "A MAZE.", where Kentucky Route Zero was featured. It was great -- a games show with the heart of a DIY new media art festival. We felt very much at home!

While there, we gave a live performance of a new video snatched from the airwaves of KRZ, called "Microwaves." We'll be doing a video stream of that piece soon & will let you know in advance, via this here email newsletter. It looks a bit like this:

May 2015 newsletter - image 1.png May 2015 newsletter - image 2.png

We also did a short talk, thrown together at the last minute to fill in for a speaker who had to cancel. The talk, titled "The now Now NOW" was about digital typography and text as a time-based phenomenon in Kentucky Route Zero and other projects.

The now Now NOW - realtime text & type

Thanks for reading. More soon!

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