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System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and translatewiki.net if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
System messages
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Name Default message text
Current message text
action-createtalk (talk) (Translate) create this discussion page
action-delete (talk) (Translate) delete this page
action-deletechangetags (talk) (Translate) delete tags from the database
action-deletedhistory (talk) (Translate) view a page's deleted history
action-deletedtext (talk) (Translate) view deleted revision text
action-deletelogentry (talk) (Translate) delete log entries
action-deleterevision (talk) (Translate) delete revisions
action-edit (talk) (Translate) edit this page
action-editcontentmodel (talk) (Translate) edit the content model of a page
action-editinterface (talk) (Translate) edit the user interface
action-editmyoptions (talk) (Translate) edit your preferences
action-editmyprivateinfo (talk) (Translate) edit your private information
action-editmyusercss (talk) (Translate) edit your own user CSS files
action-editmyuserjs (talk) (Translate) edit your own user JavaScript files
action-editmyuserjson (talk) (Translate) edit your own user JSON files
action-editmyuserjsredirect (talk) (Translate) edit your own user JavaScript files that are redirects
action-editmywatchlist (talk) (Translate) edit your watchlist
action-editprotected (talk) (Translate) edit pages protected as "{{int:protect-level-sysop}}"
action-editsemiprotected (talk) (Translate) edit pages protected as "{{int:protect-level-autoconfirmed}}"
action-editsitecss (talk) (Translate) edit sitewide CSS
action-editsitejs (talk) (Translate) edit sitewide JavaScript
action-editsitejson (talk) (Translate) edit sitewide JSON
action-editusercss (talk) (Translate) edit other users' CSS files
action-edituserjs (talk) (Translate) edit other users' JavaScript files
action-edituserjson (talk) (Translate) edit other users' JSON files
action-gadgets-definition-edit (talk) (Translate) edit this gadget definition
action-gadgets-edit (talk) (Translate) edit this gadget JavaScript or CSS page
action-hideuser (talk) (Translate) block a username, hiding it from the public
action-history (talk) (Translate) view the history of this page
action-import (talk) (Translate) import pages from another wiki
action-importupload (talk) (Translate) import pages from a file upload
action-ipblock-exempt (talk) (Translate) bypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
action-managechangetags (talk) (Translate) create and (de)activate tags
action-markbotedits (talk) (Translate) mark rolled-back edits as bot edits
action-mergehistory (talk) (Translate) merge the history of this page
action-minoredit (talk) (Translate) mark this edit as minor
action-move (talk) (Translate) move this page
action-move-categorypages (talk) (Translate) move category pages
action-move-rootuserpages (talk) (Translate) move root user pages
action-move-subpages (talk) (Translate) move this page, and its subpages
action-movefile (talk) (Translate) move this file
action-nominornewtalk (talk) (Translate) not have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt
action-noratelimit (talk) (Translate) not be affected by rate limits
action-nuke (talk) (Translate) nuke pages
action-override-export-depth (talk) (Translate) export pages including linked pages up to a depth of 5
action-pagelang (talk) (Translate) change the page language
action-patrol (talk) (Translate) mark others' edits as patrolled
action-patrolmarks (talk) (Translate) view recent changes patrol marks
action-protect (talk) (Translate) change protection levels for this page
action-purge (talk) (Translate) purge this page
action-read (talk) (Translate) read this page
action-renameuser (talk) (Translate) rename users
action-replacetext (talk) (Translate) make string replacements on the entire wiki
action-reupload (talk) (Translate) overwrite this existing file
action-reupload-own (talk) (Translate) overwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
action-reupload-shared (talk) (Translate) override this file on a shared repository
action-rollback (talk) (Translate) quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
action-sendemail (talk) (Translate) send emails
action-sfsblock-bypass (talk) (Translate) bypass blacklisted IP blocks issued by the StopForumSpam extension
action-siteadmin (talk) (Translate) lock or unlock the database
action-skipcaptcha (talk) (Translate) perform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
action-stopforumspam (talk) (Translate) submit data about blocked users to stopforumspam.com
action-suppressionlog (talk) (Translate) view this private log
action-suppressredirect (talk) (Translate) not create redirects from source pages when moving pages
action-suppressrevision (talk) (Translate) review and restore hidden revisions
action-transcode-reset (talk) (Translate) reset transcodes
action-transcode-status (talk) (Translate) view the current transcoding status
action-unblockself (talk) (Translate) unblock oneself
action-undelete (talk) (Translate) undelete pages
action-unwatchedpages (talk) (Translate) view the list of unwatched pages
action-upload (talk) (Translate) upload this file
action-upload_by_url (talk) (Translate) upload this file from a URL
action-usermerge (talk) (Translate) merge users
action-userrights (talk) (Translate) edit all user rights
action-userrights-interwiki (talk) (Translate) edit user rights of users on other wikis
action-viewmyprivateinfo (talk) (Translate) view your private information
action-viewmywatchlist (talk) (Translate) view your watchlist
action-viewsuppressed (talk) (Translate) view revisions hidden from any user
action-writeapi (talk) (Translate) use the write API
actioncomplete (talk) (Translate) Action complete
actionfailed (talk) (Translate) Action failed
actions (talk) (Translate) Actions
actionthrottled (talk) (Translate) Action throttled
actionthrottledtext (talk) (Translate) As an anti-abuse measure, you are limited from performing this action too many times in a short space of time, and you have exceeded this limit. Please try again in a few minutes.
activeusers (talk) (Translate) Active users list
activeusers-count (talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|action|actions}} in the last {{PLURAL:$3|day|$3 days}}
activeusers-excludegroups (talk) (Translate) Exclude users belonging to groups:
activeusers-from (talk) (Translate) Display users starting at:
activeusers-groups (talk) (Translate) Display users belonging to groups:
activeusers-intro (talk) (Translate) This is a list of users who had some kind of activity within the last $1 {{PLURAL:$1|day|days}}.
activeusers-noresult (talk) (Translate) No users found.
{{Zero|Zero}} users found.
activeusers-submit (talk) (Translate) Display active users
activeusers-summary (talk) (Translate)  
addedwatchtext (talk) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its discussion page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]].
addedwatchtext-short (talk) (Translate) The page "$1" has been added to your watchlist.
addedwatchtext-talk (talk) (Translate) "[[:$1]]" and its associated page have been added to your [[Special:Watchlist|watchlist]].
addsection (talk) (Translate) +
addsection-editintro (talk) (Translate)  
addsection-preload (talk) (Translate)  
addwatch (talk) (Translate) Add to watchlist
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