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194 bytes added ,  10:42, 2 February 2018
This is a very, very recently-created wiki. Something cool will go here on the home page soon! For now, please help out by registering an account and creating or adding content to pages. Thanks! –[[User:Eli|Eli]] ([[User talk:Eli|talk]]) 11:51, 31 January 2018 (UTC)
== Top [[:Category:Todo|to-do]] tasks How can I help? ==
* Fill in content (on There are currently '''{{PAGESINCATEGORY:Todo}}''' articles marked with as [[:Category:Todo]]). You can assist in the following ways: ** Character pages '''(Start here!)Edit articles'''and fill in content** Character pages
*** Completed: [[Conway]], [[Shannon]], [[Weaver]], [[Junebug and Johnny]], [[Joseph]], [[Lula]], [[Donald]], [[Carrington]], [[Lysette]], [[Ira]], [[Lem Doolittle]]
*** To do: Ezra, Julian, Cate, Will, Emily Ben and Bob, Flora, Harry Esperanza, minor characters
** Acts & intermission episode pages
*** Completed: [[Act I]]
*** To do: Acts II-IV, all intermission episodes, development info on [[Kentucky Route Zero|KRZ article]] development info* '''Create new articles:'''** Soundtrack & song pages** {{Zero}} stations & highways
** Overworld roads/locations
** {{Zero}} stations & highways
** Soundtrack & song pages
** Any other missing content
* Wiki If you're familiar with MediaWiki, message [[User:Eli]] about '''formatting ''' (infoboxes, etc.)
Use [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=257260830 eli's Character Guide], the [http://elifessler.com/krz/ game fulltext], [http://kentucky-route-zero.wikia.com/wiki/Kentucky_Route_Zero_Wiki Wikia], and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kentucky_Route_Zero Wikipedia] ([https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kentucky_Route_Zero fr]) as references. '''Thanks for contributing!'''

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