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60 bytes removed ,  19:23, 2 February 2020
removing half
The grid layer can be used while editing to assist with positioning. The default grid is white with 20% opacity.
Optional attributes include: (Start) Link; (Label) Color, Length, Width/halfwidth
<!-- {{Map/Grid|color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)}} -->
{{Map/Label|1=X|2=Y|3=Label|color=COLOR|length=PIXELS|width=EM|halfwidth=(half of width)}}
<div style="float: left; margin-right: 2em; margin-bottom: 2em;">
{{Map/Start|base=Equus Oils.png|width=500}}
{{Map/Label|12|36|Horse head|length=20|width=6|halfwidth=3}}{{Map/Label|28|71|Computer|width=6|halfwidth=3}}
{{Map/Label|80|10|Color &<br />multiline test|color=green}}


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