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140 bytes removed ,  10:21, 30 November 2018
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Hi! I made this wiki.I also help moderate the ''Kentucky Route Zero'' [https://www.reddit.com/r/kentuckyroutezero/ subreddit]!
You can get in touch with me via Twitter [https://twitter.com/frozenpandaman Twitter@frozenpandaman] or Discord (eli#4698) – or via my [[User_talk:eli|talk page]].
What am I (intermittently) working on wiki-wise? Check out [[HWY0:Contributing#Current projects]].
--- KRZ fulltext: https://consolidatedpower.co/~eli/ My Steam KRZ Character Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=257260830 I also help moderate the ''Kentucky Route Zero'' [https://www.reddit.com/r/kentuckyroutezero/ subreddit]! ---<hr>
Some spam account bios that were curiously KRZ-esque:
*''Elizbeth is the name she loves to be called with though she doesn't really like being called that. Debt collecting has been my profession for some time and I'll be promoted soon. Greeting card collecting is what her family and her enjoy. She currently lives in Montana and she will never move. Go to my website to find out more.''
*''Mona, from Stanwell Moor. She's interested in psychology, mineral collecting, and Korean art. She likes to travel and watch The Simpsons.''

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