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The Márquez Farmhouse was Weaver Márquez's childhood home and the former residence of Weaver's side of the Márquez family. Located at 100 Macondo Lane, the family took out loans and constructed the farm after demolishing the old house on the property, sending them into debt.


A farmhouse atop a large hill. A family graveyard is located next to the house, with headstones inscribed with the surnames of the unfortunate: Nowakowski, Padilla, and Márquez. Shannon says that she doesn't know the first two names, and claims no one is buried there, calling it "decorative."

Joseph's computer gives directions to the house from Equus Oils:

Head north-east on sixty-five, and turn left as soon as you see that ugly tree that's always on fire. Look for the barn at the base of the mountain there; can't miss it.


At the beginning of Act I, Conway meets Weaver at the farmhouse. Later in the act, he returns with Shannon, and the two discover an entrance to the Zero through the barn behind the house.


Name and references

The name "Márquez" comes from the famous Colombian magical realist writer Gabriel García Márquez; the farmhouse's street name and number, 100 Macondo Lane, is a reference to the town of Macondo in Gabriel One Hundred Years of Solitude.

constructed at 100 Macondo Lane on top of a hill after her family bought the land. Weaver left her family after learning of their massive debt incurred by the farmhouse.


  • SHANNON: Oh, and look at that headstone: "Márquez." I used to think that was for my parents. Now I don't know.
  • CONWAY: What do you keep out in that barn?
    WEAVER: Used to be tools and feed. Then books. Now, I think it's mostly spiders.
  • WEAVER: I like the large beams that run across the ceilings. I like to sit in the house and think of the hills and bluffs surrounding us, like a ... like a cradle.
  • (An abandoned spiderweb stretches across the bottom of a saucepan. A skillet is seasoned with dust.)