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Karaoke/Terminal Fonts?[edit]

made a throwaway to ask this, unsure how active the wiki is but i felt like it was at least worth a shot

i'm not exactly a coding expert, but how would one go about trying to find the karaoke and terminal fonts mentioned on this page in the game files? might be nice to have them for just personal word doc/note taking use.

hope everyone's having a nice night — Preceding unsigned comment added by Fontqthrowaway (talkcontribs) 20:54, August 28, 2023‎ (UTC)

Sorry for the crazy late reply, maybe you'll still see this! I think some people have extracted them and they've been posted both on the /r/kentuckyroutezero subreddit and the affiliated Discord. Both are linked on the wiki's front page and in the sidebar. If you ask there, I think people will definitely point you in the right direction. I think you could find them if you poke around the extracted Unity assets as well but you'd probably need to convert them (which others have already done for ease of use). Sorry I can't be of more direct assistance, but I hope this helps! —eli (talk) 05:47, 9 May 2024 (UTC)